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Obesity is a condition of often multifactorial pathogenesis, often of endocrine origin. Therefore, a clinical evaluation is absolutely necessary before starting any treatment.


With acupuncture it is possible to treat obesity provided that proper nutrition and, where possible, physical exercise should not be lacking to achieve satisfactory and long lasting results. It is possible to add to the treatment and some drugs by choosing the most appropriate treatment for the needs of each patient. Acupuncture, not only physical, but also acupuncture, works by inhibiting the feeling of hunger by stimulating the metabolism for higher calorie consumption. Acupuncture also allows us to address during the sessions some more "hidden" aspects that may be associated with obesity (stress, anxiety, mental tension) which are evaluated very carefully, in each patient individually.

By inserting small semi-permanent needles (which remain in place for about 1 week) it is possible to extend the effectiveness of the acupuncture session applied at the doctor's office at home.

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